Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics

These are a series of combinatorial workshops, held once per semester, each on a Saturday. The series began with its first meeting in Spring 2010. They rotate among the universities in and around the Research Triangle. Participants come from numerous colleges and universities within a few hours drive, and some from even farther away. These workshops are funded by the National Science Foundation, in particular enabling us to bring in four exciting speakers to give one hour talks each time as well as funding travel expenses for participants.

TLC steering committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Sean English (UNC Wilmington), Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill), Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro), and Fan Wei (Duke University)

Former TLC steering committee: Nathan Reading (NCSU), Ricky Liu (NCSU), Ezra Miller (Duke University), and Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill).

TLC Fall 2024

Twenty-fifth meeting: Saturday, September 21, 2024

Location: 105 Cameron Hall, UNC Wilmington
Parking: Visitor Parking at 4941 Riegel Road, Wilmington, NC (~5-10 minute walk to Cameron)

Sarah Mason (Wake Forest)
Nick Mayers (NCSU)
Corrine Yap (Georgia Tech)
Shira Zerbib (Iowa State University)

Tentative Conference Schedule (all times in EST)
(Abstracts can be found below)

09:00 – 10:00am, welcome
10:00 – 11:00am, Talk 1
11:00 – 11:30am, coffee break
11:30 – 12:30pm, Talk 2
12:30 – 2:30pm, lunch break
02:30 – 3:30pm, Talk 3
03:30 – 4:00pm, coffee break
04:00 – 5:00pm, Talk 4

Registration and Funding: Please fill out the Google Form to register for the conference. There are questions regarding funding in the same form.

Lunch break: Shore or Wagoner dining halls, fast food at Fisher University Union. Slightly further away, there are many options along College Rd (~15-20 minute walk).

Organizing Committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Sean English (UNC Wilmington) and Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
Other Local Organizers: Lilit Martirosyan and Erik Slivken

Funding provided by NSF

Titles and Abstracts

Sarah Mason: The quest for quasisymmetric Macdonald polynomials
Macdonald polynomials are a two-parameter generalization of symmetric functions with connections to representation theory, geometry, and combinatorics.  A recent breakthrough by Corteel, Mandelshtam, and Williams connecting Macdonald polynomials to the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) has paved the way for new developments in the theory of Macdonald polynomials.  In this talk, we build on these connections to introduce a quasisymmetric refinement of Macdonald polynomials as well as several new and more compact combinatorial formulas for Macdonald polynomials.  This is joint work with Corteel, Haglund, Mandelshtam, and Williams.

Nick Mayers: The quantum k-Bruhat order
Finding combinatorial interpretations for the structure constants of Schubert polynomials is a long-standing open problem in algebraic combinatorics. In the case where one of the Schubert polynomials is a Schur polynomial, the structure constants are encoded in a poset called the “k-Bruhat order”. In studying the k-Bruhat order, Bergeron and Sottile were led to introduce a monoid which encodes the chain structure of the k-Bruhat order. Using the monoid structure, the authors were able to establish properties and descriptions of certain structure constants. In this talk, after outlining the developments discussed above, we discuss ongoing work concerning an analogous story for quantum Schubert polynomials and an associated quantum k-Bruhat order. This is joint work with Laura Colmenarejo.

Corrine Yap: Dynamical Thresholds for the Fixed-Magnetization Ising Model
Spin models on graphs are a source of many interesting questions in statistical physics, algorithms, and combinatorics. The Ising model is a classical example—first introduced as a model of magnetization, it can combinatorially be described as a weighted probability distribution on 2-vertex-colorings of a graph. We’ll consider a fixed-magnetization version of the Ising model—akin to fixing the number of, say, blue vertices in every coloring—and a natural Markov chain sampling algorithm called the Kawasaki dynamics. We show some surprising results regarding the existence and location of a fast/slow mixing threshold for these dynamics. Our proofs require a combination of Markov chain tools, such as path coupling and spectral independence, with combinatorial tools, such as random graph analysis and second moment methods. Joint work with Aiya Kuchukova, Marcus Pappik, and Will Perkins.

Shira Zerbib: The Bárány-Kalai conjecture for certain families of polytopes
Bárány and Kalai conjectured the following generalization of Tverberg’s theorem: if f is a linear function from an m-dimensional polytope P to R^d and m <=(d + 1)(r – 1), then there are r pairwise disjoint faces of P whose images have a point in common. This conjecture holds for simplicial polytopes by a theorem of Grunbaum, and when r=2 by a theorem of Bárány. We show that the conjecture holds with better parameters, for cross polytopes, cyclic polytopes, and more generally for (d + 1)-neighborly polytopes. Moreover, we show that for cross polytopes, the conjecture holds if the map f is assumed to be continuous (but not necessarily linear), and we give a lower bound on the number of sets of r pairwise disjoint faces whose images under f intersect. We also show that the conjecture holds for all polytopes when d=1 and f is assumed to be continuous. Finally, when r is prime or large enough with respect to d, we prove that there exists a constant c=c(d, r), depending only on d and r, such that the conjecture holds with continuous functions for the polytope obtained by taking c subdivisions of P. Joint with Pablo Soberon.

Past meetings:

Twenty-fourth meeting: Saturday, March 23, 2024 at UNC Greensboro
Speakers: Sean English (UNC Wilmington, US), Emily Heath (Iowa State University, US), Jacob Matherne (North Carolina State University, US), and Cosmin Pohoata (Emory University, US)
Organizing Committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Sean English (UNC Wilmington, US), and Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
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Twenty third meeting: Saturday, November 18, 2023 at NCSU
Speakers: David Galvin (University of Notre Dame, US), Pamela E. Harris (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, US), Jianping Pan (North Carolina State University, US), and Fan Wei (Duke University, US)
Organizing Committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
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Twenty second meeting: Saturday, April 8, 2023 at NCSU
Speakers: Ed Allen (Wake Forest University, US), Nantel Bergeron (York University, Canada), Carly Klivans (Brown University, US), and Bruce Sagan (Michigan State University, US)
Organizing Committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Sarah K. Mason (Wake Forest University), Nick Mayers (NCSU), Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
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Twenty first meeting: Saturday, December 3, 2022 at UNC Greensboro (in person)
Speakers: Jeremy L. Martin (University of Kansas), Erik Slivken (University of North Carolina Wilmington), Catherine Yan (Texas A&M University), and Yan Zhuang (Davidson College)
Organizing Committee: Laura Colmenarejo (NCSU), Sarah K. Mason (Wake Forest University), Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
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Twentieth meeting: Saturday, November 14, 2020 at UNC Greensboro (online)
Speakers: Sara Billey (University of Washington, Seattle), Hao Huang (Emory University), Igor Pak (University of California, Los Angeles), and Nathan Williams (University of Texas, Dallas)
Organizing Committee: Clifford Smyth (UNC Greensboro), Thomas McConville (Kennesaw State U.), Cynthia Vinzant (NCSU)
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Nineteenth meeting: Saturday, February 29, 2020 at UNC Charlotte
Speakers: Margaret Bayer (U Kansas), Michel Goemans (MIT), Svetlana Poznanović (Clemson), Cynthia Vinzant (NCSU)
Organizing Committee: Gabor Hetyei (UNC Charlotte), Ricky Liu (NCSU), Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill)
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Eighteenth meeting: Saturday, November 16, 2019 at NCSU
Speakers: Georgia Benkart (University of Wisconsin at Madison), Javier Peña (Carnegie Mellon University), Margaret Readdy (University of Kentucky), Alexander Yong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Organizing Committee: Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Gabor Hetyei (UNC-Charlotte), Kailash Misra (NCSU), Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill)
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Seventeenth meeting: Saturday, March 30, 2019 at Wake Forest University
Speakers:  James Haglund (University of Pennsylvania), Adam Marcus (Princeton University), Jennifer Morse (University of Virginia), Nathan Reading (North Carolina State University)
Organizing committee: Sarah Mason (Wake Forest), Ed Allen (Wake Forest), Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Cliff Smyth (UNC Greensboro)
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Sixteenth meeting: November 10, 2018 at UNC Chapel Hill
Speakers: László Babai (University of Chicago), Daniel Bienstock (Columbia), Rebecca Goldin (George Mason University), and Lek-Heng Lim (University of Chicago).
Organizing Committee: Prakash Belkale (UNC Chapel Hill), Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill), Richard Rimanyi (UNC Chapel Hill), and Seth Sullivant (NCSU).
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Fifteenth meeting: March 26, 2018 at NCSU
Speakers: Richard Kenyon (Brown), Karola Mészáros (Cornell), Gabor Hetyei (UNC-Charlotte), and Seth Sullivant (NCSU).
Organizing Committee: Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Ricky Liu (NCSU), and Cynthia Vinzant (NCSU)
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Fourteenth meeting: November 19, 2016 at NCSU
Speakers: Bruno Benedetti (U. Miami), Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton), Jeffery Lagarias (U. Michigan), Josephine Yu (Georgia Tech).
Organizing Committee: Ricky Liu (NCSU), Seth Sullivant (NCSU), and Cynthia Vinzant (NCSU)
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Thirteenth meeting: Saturday February 27, 2016 at UNC Greensboro
Speakers: Penny Haxell (U. Waterloo), Jeff Kahn (Rutgers), Greta Panova (U. Penn), Peter Winkler (Dartmouth).
Organizing Committee: Clifford Smyth, chair (UNC Greensboro), David Galvin (Notre Dame), and Patricia Hersh (NCSU).
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Twelfth meeting: Saturday October 3, 2015 at Duke
Speakers: Yuliy Baryshnikov (UIUC), Susan Holmes (Stanford), Dana Randall (Georgia Tech), and John Shareshian (Washington University in St. Louis).
Organizing Committee: Sayan Mukherjee, chair (Duke), John Harer (Duke), Patricia Hersh (NCSU), and Mauro Maggioni (Duke)
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Eleventh meeting: February 21, 2015 at NCSU
Speakers: Matthew Baker (Georgia Tech), Henry Cohn (Microsoft New England), Lionel Levine (Cornell), and Anne Schilling (UC Davis).
Organizing Committee: Ricky Liu (NCSU), Seth Sullivant (NCSU), and Cynthia Vinzant (NCSU)
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Tenth meeting: October 4, 2014, at High Point University
Speakers: Richard Ehrenborg (Kentucky), Robert Ghrist (Penn), Luis Serrano (U Quebec a Montreal), and Rekha Thomas (U. Washington).
Organizing Committee: Lindsay Piechnik (chair, High Point), Ed Allen (Wake Forest), Sarah Mason (Wake Forest), Seth Sullivant (NCSU), and Laurie Zack (High Point)
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Ninth meeting: February 22, 2014 at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Speakers: Shankar Bhamidi (UNC-Chapel Hill), Anders Buch (Rutgers), Pablo Parrilo (MIT), Eva Tardos (Cornell)
Organizing committee: Gabor Pataki (UNC-Chapel Hill), Lindsay Piechnik (High Point University), Scott Provan (UNC-Chapel Hill), Richard Rimanyi (UNC-Chapel Hill), Jack Snoeyink (UNC-Chapel Hill)
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Eighth meeting: September 21, 2013 at NCSU.
Speakers: George Andrews (Penn State), Matt Beck (San Francisco State University), Robin Pemantle (University of Pennsylvania), and Victoria Powers (Emory University)
Organizing committee: Michael Singer (NCSU), Carla Savage (NCSU), and Seth Sullivant (NCSU)
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Seventh meeting: February 9, 2013 at Wake Forest University.
Speakers: Louis Billera (Cornell), Rod Canfield (University of Georgia), Matthew Kahle (Ohio State University), Michelle Wachs (University of Miami)
Organizing committee: Sarah Mason (chair, Wake Forest University), Ed Allen (Wake Forest University), Alex Fink, (NCSU), Patricia Hersh (NCSU)
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Sixth meeting: September 22, 2012 at NCSU.
Speakers: Allen Knutson (Cornell), Vin de Silva (Pomona College), Richard Stanley (MIT), Lauren Williams (UC Berkeley).
Organizing committee: Alex Fink (NCSU), Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Carla Savage (NCSU).
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Fifth meeting: February 11, 2012 at Duke University.
Speakers: Alex Fink (NCSU), Sergey Fomin (Michigan), Nets Katz (Indiana University), Isabella Novik (University of Washington).
Organizing Committee: Christine Berkesch (Duke), Sonja Mapes (Duke), Ezra Miller (Duke).
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Fourth meeting: November 5, 2011 at UNC Chapel Hill.
Speakers: Thomas Lam (Michigan), Jesus De Loera (UC Davis), Ezra Miller (Duke), Doron Zeilberger (Rutgers)
Organizing committee: Prakash Belkale (UNC Chapel Hill), Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill), Robert Proctor (UNC Chapel Hill), Scott Provan (UNC Chapel Hill), Richard Rimanyi(UNC Chapel Hill).
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Third meeting: April 9, 2011 at NCSU.
Speakers: Prakash Belkale (UNC Chapel Hill), Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota), John Stembridge (University of Michigan), Stephanie van Willigenburg (UBC).
Organizing committee: Hoda Bidkhori (NCSU), Alex Fink (NCSU), Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Carla Savage (NCSU).
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Second meeting: September 25, 2010 at Duke.
Speakers: Alexander Barvinok (University of Michigan), Anne Shiu (Duke), Sami Assaf (MIT), Persi Diaconis (Stanford).
Organizing committee: Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Sonja Mapes (Duke), Ezra Miller (Duke).
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First meeting: February 6, 2010 at NCSU.
Speakers: Carla Savage (NCSU), Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley), Ed Swartz (Cornell), Laszlo Szekely (University of South Carolina).
Organizing committee: Patricia Hersh (NCSU), Ezra Miller (Duke), Scott Provan (UNC), Nathan Reading (NCSU).
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