40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations
November 12-13, 2022

Welcome to the 40th SEARCDE, hosted by the Department of Mathematics at NC State University in Raleigh, NC, and organized in cooperation with The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) .
SEARCDE brings together experts, postdocs, and Ph.D. students and provides a unique platform for disseminating recent ideas and developments in the field of differential equations and applications, and for inspiring and mentoring the next generation of mathematicians. The conference will consist of 4 plenary talks, a special session “In Memoriam: H.T. Banks“, and parallel sessions with invited and contributed presentations.
This conference supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.
This conference is supported by NSF-DMS Award Number 2220907, Department of Mathematics and the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University.
Local Organizing Committee:
Lorena Bociu
Ryan Murray
Khai Nguyen
Hien Tran